Play Value
The suspension bridge is an attractive connecting element in playgrounds. Interesting running zones between installed equipment increase the play value. It is fun to practice your own skills on unsafe ground. The running timbers are individually fastened to the suspension ropes, which are connected to the posts in an articulated manner. This makes the bridge covering very flexible and allows many attractive movement games. As an alternative to the chain handrails, we offer handrails made of Richter Hercules type rope. We recommend this design if the rattling of the chain handrails is perceived as disturbing.
Recommended For
- schoolchildren
- supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after
- school programmes or similar
- public play areas without supervision such as playgrounds, parks or similar
- swimming pools without supervision, such as outdoor pools, adventure pools or similar
Price Enquiry
Running Boards with chain handrails, length = 5 m - Order No: 3.66110
* indicates required