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Ear and Speaking Trumpet

Ear and Speaking Trumpet

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Order number: 9.03000

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

Our Ear and Speaking Trumpets are an attractive piece of play equipment, which can be used in lots of different ways.The transmission of voices and sounds through the funnels begins with listening to a gentle sound and then becomes

intriguing when you become aware of the amplification effect. In order to achieve good results, the "trumpets"must face each other precisely. Since the trumpets can be rotated 360° and swivelled vertically, it is possible to mount several of them at different heights. For speaking and listening, two of them have to be adjusted individually so that they are precisely in line with each other. The funnels can be integrated into role-playing games in countless ways - small and big children alike are fascinated by being able to communicate with each other over a certain distance. In addition, the Trumpet are also exciting individually - for eavesdropping on the ambient sounds, for ship commands and numerous of other role-playing variants.

Recommended For

  • schoolchildren
  • young people
  • adults
  • older people
  • supervised play areas such as kindergartens, schools, after-school programmes or similar
  • public play areas without supervision such as playgrounds, parks or similar

Price Enquiry

Ear and Speaking Trumpet - Order No: 9.03000

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