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Pump See-saw with water reservoir

Pump See-saw with water reservoir

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Order number: 5.27120

Richter Spielgeräte


Play Value

Those playing on the Forest Fountain system can experience a wide range of spatial and sensory effects of the medium water as a result of their own physical activities. The height of the masts and length of the pipelines enables the water to achieve the greatest possible spraying effect, while the jets and rotors create different, continuously changing shapes and structures. The contrast, created by the strictly geometrical masts and pumps, contributes to the aesthetics of the overall design.

Recommended For

  • schoolchildren
  • young people
  • public play areas without supervision such as playgrounds, parks or similar
  • swimming pools without supervision, such as outdoor pools, adventure pools or similar

Price Enquiry

Pump See-saw with water reservoir - Order No: 5.27120

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