Play Value
Screw-like and spiralling movements naturally occur in nature. It takes practice to recognize these complex current forms, for example in a whirlpool. To perceive this means to intuitively recognize the pre-historic conditions under which mankind developed. Those who turn the hand-crank at this play station experience two interrelated forces and can experience the principle behind a vortex. With increasing acceleration the impeller creates a whirlpool which can be very clearly seen in the water filled cylinder. While a vortex funnel forms downwards, the water flowing in the opposite direction creates a counter vortex in the cylinder. The turning motion from top to bottom causes a sucking effect which draws the water upwards. The water mass which forms a vortex funnel rotates in a spiralling shape in two directions creating its own counter movement. Recommended For- kindergarten children
- school children
- water play areas without supervision
- swimming pools without supervision, such as outdoor pools, adventure pools or similar
- public play areas without supervision, such as playgrounds, parks or similar
Price Enquiry
Whirlpool Column with Illumination - Order No: 10.17500
* indicates required